Call of duty world at war final fronts guns
Call of duty world at war final fronts guns

call of duty world at war final fronts guns

They shared the same name, but offered an experience tailored to the system it was made for. What also made these last-gen versions remarkable was how different they were. They didn't care how the graphics looked or what features were missing, they were glad to have the new game on their favorite system. These ports strike a chord with gamers because for some, this was the only way to experience the game since they didn't own any of the new systems. This leaves third party publishers the job of supporting the old systems, usually by releasing ports of their next-gen titles.

call of duty world at war final fronts guns

When a console reaches its twilights years, first-party companies opt to move on so they can focus on making games for their new systems. Last-gen ports of next-gen titles are an interesting specimen.

Call of duty world at war final fronts guns